All of our procedures and technologies are fun, safe and non-invasive, and all of our research is approved by the Faculty Ethics Committee. We hope to meet you and your family soon!

Below you can watch a replay of a 7-year-old completing one of our eye tracking experiments. The red dots are her fixations on the various objects on the screen (the longer she looks, the bigger the dots grow) and the red lines are her saccades (i.e. jumps) between the objects. Her task was to tell a listener to click on the object with the frame around it (though for privacy reasons you can’t hear her voice in this replay). You can see how she looks at the different objects in the scene before the target object is highlighted. Then as she produces her instruction, e.g. click on the stripy boots, her eyes move between the target and its contrast mate, i.e. she checks the spotty boots. We think that she does this in order to identify the main difference between the two similar objects, enabling her to work out which adjective to include in her referring expression.